Case Study Staged Building Inspection: Our client was having the house of his dreams built by a local builder. Whilst his building knowledge was minimal, he had concerns. He did a Google search and contacted us, and after a quick chat, engaged us to do staged building inspections. For staged building inspections, we request all approved structural documentation, which the inspector systematically checks off onsite to ensure the home is being built as per certified documentation. The inspection: Client had good reason to be concerned, as there were many structural faults with the timber frame and brick work of the home. Our report: We listed and photographically documented all structural defects, major and minor. Recommendations: We recommended that the owner give a copy of the report to the builder and recommended no more money to be paid to the builder until the major defects had been rectified. The outcome: Unfortunately, the builder brushed aside our report and told the owner that the items listed were common and not a major concern. The owner called us for discussion, at which point we referred him to the Office of Consumer and Business Affairs. Our client called us the other day to thank us. Consumer Affairs met with the builder and client onsite.
Consumer Affairs issued notices to the builder, enforcing the repairs and recommendations as per our report. Consumer Affairs also enforced the builder to pay client's rent for the amount of time needed to bring the house up to scratch. Though frustrated, our client was ecstatic to finally be moving forward with the building of his home. We look forward to doing the remaining staged building inspections and ensuring this home is built and finished to an acceptable standard.