Whether you are buying a new home or renovating an old one to prepare it for resale, it’s important to team up with someone who can let you know if the building and construction of the property conforms to Australian standards. At Beyond Built Inspections, we provide building and pest inspection work in Salisbury and can help you learn if and how your home falls short of code. We can even provide staged building inspections, inspecting an under-construction home at various points during the building process to make sure that it is compliant with all relevant standards.
Why Do Building Standards Matter?
To understand the value of scheduling a Salisbury building inspection to check your home’s compliance with Australian standards, it’s important to understand why building codes matter in the first place. Why should you take the effort to make sure that a home you are buying is a match with Australian standards? After all, if you are buying it from a previous owner, then the home has already been approved, right?
Not necessarily. At Beyond Built Inspection, we once worked with a client who was thinking about buying a home where the main selling points were numerous attractive improvements that had been added to the property after purchase. You can read about that experience here (covered in ‘Case Study 1’), but suffice to say that our inspector found numerous signs of poor workmanship and construction that didn’t comply with Australian standards. We later discovered that many of the ‘improvements’ had never been approved by the council, and would need demolishing.
This case study highlights one of the reasons that scheduling a building and pest inspection in Salisbury is a must before you buy a house. You can never be sure that council has approved everything about the property, and the last thing you want is to pay for incompliant ‘improvements’ and then have to demolish them later.
Different building codes address everything from safety and structural integrity to energy efficiency. A home that doesn’t meet standards, then, could prove to be less durable and much costlier than a home that does comply with all standards. A home built with poor materials or that is otherwise structurally unsound could even be uninhabitable due to safety concerns.
If you are buying or building a house, knowing about these defects sooner rather than later is an important step to protect both your wallet and your safety (not to mention the safety of your family). If you are selling a home, making sure that it is compliant with all standards is essential. You want to avoid selling a dangerous or otherwise faulty building to a new buyer.
Schedule a Salisbury Building and Pest Inspection: Call Beyond Built Inspections Today
Don’t risk buying, building, selling, renovating or living in a home that falls short of Australian standards. Instead, call Beyond Built Inspections today to enquire about our Salisbury building inspections. We are licenced registered builders and have been building houses for 28 years now, so you can trust that we know Australian standards and can spot structures that are out of step with them. Reach us today by dialling 0467 667 785.